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Save Oglet Shore & Greenbelt

Speke, Liverpool UK

We are a group campaigning to save Oglet, its surrounding greenbelt land and access to the shore in Speke from being destroyed by the proposed development of Liverpool Airport. 

Oglet Shore and Greenbelt runs adjacent to Liverpool Airport, North West from Dungeon Lane in Speke.  The fields that lie between the airport runway and the shore are designated Greenbelt and Grade One agricultural land and maybe the last truly rural area in Liverpool. It is an SSSI, SPA and Ramsar site of international importance for the wetland birds that live there.

Yet this beautiful area, with its woods, ponds and streams, home to bats and many Red list, endangered, farmland birds, and a vital habitat in an increasingly built up area, is due to disappear under concrete if the Liverpool Airport development goes ahead.  Our aim is to stop this development.

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How You Can Help

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We are aiming to stop Liverpool and Halton Council's from changing our greenbelt land to 'set aside'. We need to protect the many animals and birds who use this land for nesting and feeding. We also want to protect the historic buildings along this land, and preserve them for future generations. 


You can join our Facebook page and keep up to date with developments as we move the campaign on.


You can follow us on Twitter:


We're also on Instagram:


You can help by signing our petition:


You can also join us when we have events to raise awareness which we will advertise here and on our Facebook group.


If you would like to see the proposal for the Liverpool Local Plan which includes redesignating our greenbelt, use this link:


If you want to have a look at the airport masterplan it is here -


This is the link to the current planning application submitted by the airport to Halton Borough Council if you’d like to take a look.  The case number is 18/00513/FUL.

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Contact Save Oglet Shore Greenbelt

Oglet Lane, Speke, UK

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